Motorsport UK and UK General Radio Licences 2020

Notice from John Clayton:

As most people know I am the licence holder for both licences for TOB radios which are normally due on June 1st.

This year Motorsport UK have not issued any reminders as yet and therefore I am yet to receive further instructions with regard to this year. A decision I believe is imminent as to the amount due(normally £5 per set per year).

Also this year sees the UK General licence to be due. This is a 5 year licence to cover what many call the colours frequencies for private use. This fee is £10 per person for 5 years ( ie £2 per year).

Normally I collect both at the same time and I propose to do exactly this once I have the decision from Motorsport UK.

Several of you have been asking what is happening so please do nothing until I am in a position to clarify what the fees will be for 2020 and I will communicate via e-mail and here on the new website.

Thank you for your forbearance,

John Clayton.

Posted by mullcar_admin in Club, News

Event News – Covid-19

Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 pandemic, most of the rallies that the club had intended to be involved with have been cancelled.

News of future rallies will be posted in due course.

Keep safe.
Chief Marshal

Posted by mullcar_admin in Events, News