
Voting Arrangements – Election of Directors

10th MARCH 2021


Because of Covid restrictions, Mull Car Club Ltd. has decided to hold this year’s AGM via Zoom. A key element of the AGM is to elect the Directors of the Club and our Articles of Association require that this is undertaken by those paid up members present at the AGM. Normally, members who cannot attend in person can fill in the proxy voting form. On this occasion, we have more nominees as Directors than vacancies and a ballot is therefore required. The Club is aware that this may impact adversely on members who wish to vote but do not have access to using Zoom.

In order to help those without zoom, the Club has made the following arrangements:

If you cannot attend the AGM and wish your apologies recorded and give a proxy vote, fill in the appropriate form on the website and email this to the Secretary AND advise the person you have given the proxy directly about to whom you wish your vote to go, using the AGM 2021 Director Nominations vote slip. You must use the voting slip if you wish your preferences to be counted; otherwise it will be at the discretion of the person to whom you have given your proxy. Those who hold proxy votes will then submit the voting slips they have received.

For those who are attending via Zoom, we are creating an email address that will be available on screen prominently during the meeting for you to forward your voting slip to before 8pm on 11th March. The email address will not operate after this time.

Both online and proxy votes will be counted by Dr Neil Bowring, who was elected a Director last year, and Jenny Reddaway, Secretary to the Directors and who is not standing as a Director. The count will be completed by 8pm on Saturday 13th March and put up on the Club website. The Directors will then meet on Monday 15th March to decide on Club Officials with details on the website the following day.

2021 Directors RESULTS

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